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美国杜兰大学与弗里曼商学院 (Freeman School Business,TulaneUniversily )

Dr Dean Christian Pierides:【20级社科院斯特灵DMAN】Evolution of Management and Organisational Research

时间:2021-04-01  点击: 【打印此页】 【关闭

Dr Dean Christian Pierides:【20级社科院与斯特灵创新与领导力DMAN】Evolution of Management and Organisational Research



Dr Dean Christian Pierides

Lecturer in Business and Management

【20级社科院与斯特灵创新与领导力DMAN】Evolution of Management and Organisational Research


This module introduces you to the main themes of management and orgaisational research by exploring the history of its development into various sub-disciplinary and topic-based areas and on the basis of this supports you to develop a literature review for your proposed research topic. By taking this module you will:

★ Become well informed of the latest thinking and ideas in Management and Organisational Research including subject knowledge, theoretical positions and research methods-from a range of perspectives;

★ Appreciate the basis on which the knowledge in the field has been derived;

★ Develop an ability to use this knowledge to make a reasoned defence of the theoretical traditions and research techniques that they ultimately may have chosen (or rejected) during their research. 

2020年3月,中国社会科学院大学与英国斯特灵大学合作举办创新与领导力博士学位教育项目获得教育部批准举办,2020级首期招生。创新与领导力博士学位教育项目(Doctor of Management 简称“DMan”)是中国社会科学院大学(中国社会科学院研究生院)第一个博士层次的中外合作办学项目。也是国内目前首个通过教育部批准办学的创新与领导力研究方向的博士学位项目。依托中国社科院及斯特灵大学丰富的学术资源,DMan项目通过开展多维度、跨学科的理论及实践研究,培养具备国际视野,具备一定研究能力,在面对国际商业环境中出现的问题时能够提出创新见解等能力的高级专业人才。

上一篇:Dr Dean Christian Pierides:【20级中国社科院与英国斯特灵创新与领导力博士DMAN】Evolution of Management and Organisational Research
