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美国杜兰大学与弗里曼商学院 (Freeman School Business,TulaneUniversily )


时间:2021-09-30  点击: 【打印此页】 【关闭

美国杜兰大学2009年被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,历年排名在全美前50名左右。 180年历史,综合排名全美39名(U.S.News),美国商学院联盟(AACSB)创始成员之一,拥有全美唯一设在校内的能源交易中心(Energy Trading Center)。这样一所权威院校,走进它有的人说简单有的人说难,其实难易并非通过某次考试、某个机遇说明的,只要你想学,只要你足够拼命努力,名校任何人都能够得到。如今有个更好的消息是在国内你也有机会拿到名校的offer,享受杜兰大学本校权威师资了!

经教育部批准,2018年起中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“能源管理硕士” (Tulane-GSCASS Master of Management in Energy,简称MME)项目,每期招生30人,学生在职学习,学制为18个月。学生毕业可获得美国杜兰大学颁发的能源管理硕士(Master of Management in Energy)学位证书以及教育部留学服务中心国(境)外学历学位认证书。

项目申请条件:1、 国民教育系列本科以上学历;2、拥有公共英语三级或大学英语四级及以上英语等级证书。社科院杜兰能源管理硕士项目中美名校强强联手,社科院与杜兰名师荟萃,不出国门获国际顶尖能源管理硕士学位,并掌握先进的能源管理前沿理论与能源金融实操工具。全球化的能源界社交平台,培养具有国际视野的能源金融人才。

杜兰大学成立于1834年,位于美国南部路易斯安那州新奥尔良市,是一所综合私立大学。该校对学生要求严格,是一所治学严谨,历史悠久,享誉全球的优良学府,其毕业生深受市场欢迎,就业前景光明。杜兰大学为国家一级大学,学校共有学生1.2万人,包括6000多名本科生。1000多名教学研究人员中,包括诺贝尔奖得主和众多国际级学科领军学者。杜兰大学成立至今,校友及教师中有两人获得诺贝尔奖,五人获得普利策奖,其校友中更不乏有雅虎公司联合创始大卫·费罗、CNN前首席执行官、壳牌石油集团前首席执行官、美国前众议院议长纽特·金里奇、银行家、美国前总统老布什的儿子尼尔·马伦·布什、哥斯达黎加总统路易斯·吉列尔莫·索利斯等全球各界精英。杜兰大学治学严谨,对学生要求严格,其商学院、法学院、医学院更是在各自领域内名列前茅, 闻名遐迩。杜兰大学弗里曼商学院是全美最早成立的商学院之一,与哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学等同为美国管理商学院联合会(AACSB)的发起成员。杜兰大学提供诸多专业领域的教育和研究,设有11所学院,包括商学院、法学院、文学院、医学院、研究生院、计算机工程学院等。学校以其商学院和医学院而闻名。该校的商学院拥有全美唯一设在学校的能源类证券交易中心,其金融方向的工商管理硕士是全球排名前列的金融学习项目。


John Foreman
Oil and Gas Marketing Manager of PetroQuest Energy Inc.


John S. Foreman III is the Oil and Gas Marketing Manager of PetroQuest Energy Inc., a publicly traded, independent exploration and production company headquartered in Lafayette, LA. He joined PetroQuest in 2006 and has previously served in engineering, operational, and financial roles. In 2012, Mr. Foreman joined the Energy Institute at Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on energy fundamentals, energy commodity trading, and energy risk management.
Prior to joining PetroQuest, Mr. Foreman served approximately 6 years with the Dow Chemical Company where he attained the level of Senior Reliability Engineer and Six Sigma Black Belt.  

Parker Drew
Adjunct Professor


Parker Drew is a an affiliated Managing Director at AlixPartners LLP and also an adjunct professor of Economics at Tulane University. After serving as a longtime guest lecturer, spent the past 4 years developing and monitoring a real-time trading environment in conjunction with Reuters, the CME and Trading Technologies. Teach undergraduate and graduate courses introducing derivative trading and risk management concepts and practices. Oversee and serve on the panel of judges of an international trading competition. Teach advanced derivative portfolio management to Masters of Energy candidates. Serve as a founding Board Member of the Tulane Energy Institute which created the first Master’s program to focus solely on Energy.
Besides, he is also an independent consultant at Energy Derivatives Expert. He helps educate professionals involved in commodity derivative disagreements. Serve as an expert witness in disputes over valuation of energy derivative portfolios. Duties involve teaching and translating derivatives for attorneys, review of transactions data and expert research and market analyses. Consult on the financial viability and regulatory feasibility of esoteric derivative products.

Lester Alexander
Guest Lecturer


Les Alexander is a partner with Jefferson Capital Partners where he invests growth capital in privately-owned businesses. He is experienced serving on the boards of portfolio companies and investment committees. Prior to his career in private equity, Mr. Alexander served as president of Ferrara Fire Apparatus, a leading fire truck and emergency vehicle manufacturer. As an investment banker for 15 years with Howard Weil, Southcoast Capital, and J.C. Bradford, he completed numerous public offerings, private placements, and merger and acquisition transactions for public and private companies, particularly in the energy industry.

Mr. Alexander is the immediate past president of the board for Benjamin Franklin High School, a public charter school in New Orleans, and is the founder and president of its foundation, Friends of Franklin. He is a board member, founder, and past president of ACG Louisiana as well as both a board member and regional president of the Small Business Investor Alliance. He was the Chairman of Finance for the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) and served on its global Board of Directors.


