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美国杜兰大学与弗里曼商学院 (Freeman School Business,TulaneUniversily )

能源管理硕士|Greg Thurnher:【20级社科院与杜兰大学MME】Energy Trading: Wholesale Electric Markets

时间:2021-06-07  点击: 【打印此页】 【关闭
Greg Thurnher:【20级社科院与杜兰大学能源管理硕士MME】Energy Trading: Wholesale Electric Markets

Greg Thurnher

【20级社科院与杜兰大学能源管理硕士MME】Energy Trading: Wholesale Electric Markets

Tulane University (Mechanical Engineering and MBA)

Greg is a two time alumnus of Tulane University (Mechanical Engineering and MBA) and 17 year veteran of the electric power industry. He has held various positions of increasing responsibility at Major Electric Utilities, Independent System Operators, Independent Power Producers, Competitive Electric Retailers, and Independent Power Marketers (Entergy, ERCOT, Energy Future Holdings, and Shell.) For the past seven years, Greg focused on Market Design for the ERCOT market, working with his industry peers and State Officials in Texas to further refine the competitive marketplace. This year, Greg returned to the market as an active participant, managing the Real-time Portfolio for Shell Energy North America. Greg's team manages Shell (tolled) assets in the Midcontinent ISO, ERCOT, New England ISO, New York ISO, SERC, and PJM, as well as the Ontario IESO. Under Greg's leadership, the team is also engaging in managing new technologies, including demand response and distributed generation.

The number of players in power markets, players’ competing interests, and evolving regulatory policy gives electricity markets a unique niche in the world of commodity trading. The unique physical characteristics of the product, coupled with the constraints associated with of its delivery have created opportunities for trading shops and major corporations to rise and fall in a little more than a decade. As this market (slowly) matures, and regulation continues to improve market transparency and efficiency, it will be a bumpy ride. To better understand where these markets are going and where they have been, we shall first obtain a historical perspective. With a concrete understanding of the market evolution, we will then investigate what factors influence market prices on a long term, day ahead, and real time basis. We will also study the infamous market failures, and how regulators have responded to eliminate opportunities for indiscretion. The course will conclude with a brief look at several recent regulatory enactments to more closely align the interests of all market participants and stakeholders. This course will include market simulation exercises which will give students the opportunity to experience Power Marketing from the perspectives of a pure-marketer, independent power producer, and regulated utility.

经教育部批准,2018年起中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“能源管理硕士” (Tulane-GSCASS Master of Management in Energy,简称MME)项目,每期招生30人,学生在职学习,学制为18个月。学生毕业可获得美国杜兰大学颁发的能源管理硕士(Master of Management in Energy)学位证书以及教育部留学服务中心国(境)外学历学位认证书。所获得双证国家承认,与一月统考双证具有同等效力,可用于考公务员、晋升职称、继续读博、享受国家积分落户计划等。

上一篇:金融管理硕士|Fritz Koger:【20级社科院与杜兰大学MFIN】Risk Management
