Bill Reese:【20级社科院杜兰金融管理硕士MFIN】Fixed Income Analysis

Bill Reese
Professor of Practice
●B.A. The College of Wooster 1978
●M.B.A. Virginia Tech 1983
●Ph.D. The University of Arizona 1998
Bill grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland and graduated in 1978 from The College of Wooster in Wooster,Ohio with a BA in Speech. After working in the Cleveland area for four years as a high school teacher and wrestling coach, he earned his MBA from Virginia Tech with a concentration in Finance. Bill spent the next ten years working in the insurance and commercial banking industries before returning to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Arizona.
Bill has been a full-time finance professor at Tulane University's Freeman School of Business since August 1997. While at Tulane, he has taught in each of Tulane's programs: Undergraduate, Master of Finance, Full-time MBA, Global MBA, Professional MBA and Executive MBA. Bill has taught numerous finance courses for Tulane in Asia and South America as well as in the U.S. From 2001-2010. he worked for the National Football League as a personal finance instructor for the New Orleans Saints, and in 2013 he served in the same capacity for the New Orleans Pelicans. He has received the EMBA Outstanding Teacher of the Year award, has been named to the MBA Teacher Honor Roll four times, has received the EMBA Teaching Excellence award five times, the PMBA Teaching Excellence award twice, and the Tulane Graduate Business Students voted to give him the Howard Wissner Award for Teaching Excellence in 2008 and 2012.
He has had his research published in The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Financial Economics, The Journal of Financial Education. Advances in Financial Education,The Journal of Economic Education and The Journal of Economics and Finance Education. He has received the All-Star Paper Award from The Journal of Financial Economics and received the best Pedagogy Paper award at the 2014 Financial Education Association Conference.
【20级MFIN】Fixed Income Analysis
The purpose of this course is to give students the skills necessary to analyze fixed income securities. A thorough understanding of this material is needed to effectively manage and/or evaluate a fixed income portfolio. We will discuss how to price various types of fixed income securities and how to measure their interest rate risk. We’ll learn how to hedge interest rate risk, and how to incorporate call and conversion features into a bond’s price. We’ll also examine various theories about the term structure of interest rates, fitting yield curves and deriving implied forward interest rates.
注:2012年经教育部批准办学,中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“金融管理硕士”(Tulane-GSCASS Master of Finance,简称MFIN)项目,院校自主招生,每期招生60人,学员在职学习,学制为18个月。毕业颁发美国杜兰大学金融硕士学位证书和中国教育部颁发的学历学位认证证书。