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金融管理硕士|Fritz Koger:【20级社科院与杜兰大学MFIN】Risk Management

时间:2021-06-07     点击:452   【打印此页】  【关闭
Fritz Koger:【20级社科院与杜兰大学金融管理硕士MFIN】Risk Management



Fritz Koger



Ph.D. in Finance, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA 2009

Visiting Ph.D. Student, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2005

MBA with finance concentration, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA 2003

B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 1983



- Associate Teaching Professor Peking University Shenzhen, China 2016 –present

- Assistant Professor Peking University Shenzhen, China 2010 – 2016

- General Manager Filtration Group TM York, USA 1998 – 2001

- Global Market Development Manager Hoechst Celanese Bobingen, Germany 1996 – 1998


- PHBS Outstanding Faculty Award, one of six selected in the HSBC Business School, 2017-2018

- PKU Excellence in Teaching Course for Financial Modeling: one of four PKU Shenzhen campuswide; one of 43 PKU-wide, academic year 2016-2017

- Teaching award for Single Best Teacher, 2010-2011, PKU HSBC Business School (PHBS)

- Teaching award, one of five selected PKU Shenzhen campus-wide, 2010-2011

- Awarded CFA Charter, 2005

- Dean James F. Kane Academic Excellence (top ranked student: cohort of 102 students), USC, 2003

- Distinguished Student Award for Academic Excellence (G.P.A. of 4.0/4.0), USC, 2003

- Darla Moore Scholarship and Award for Academic Merit, USC, 2001– 2003


“Asset Valuation Theory”, textbook in English, PKU Press, 2017

“Asset Valuation Theory”, textbook translated into Chinese, PKU Press, 2018

“Financial Modeling in Excel”, textbook currently being published in English, PKU Press, 2019

“Financial Modeling in Excel”, textbook translated into Chinese, currently being published by PKU, Press, 2019

【20级社科院与杜兰大学金融管理硕士MFIN】Risk Management

This course will focus on the fundamental principles of risk management. This course includes  the key elements of classic corporate risk management and also covers pricing and use of  derivative securities to manage corporate risk. Simulations reinforce key concepts and focus on  the practical application of risk management tools.

The course will involve class lectures, extensive use of Excel, and some in-class group work.  There will be a comprehensive final exam given at the end of the course. The student is allowed  to refer to class materials during the exam, but each student must do his or her own work. No 2 contact with other people is permitted. As we will be covering an entire course in just a few days, it is important that the student prepare beforehand as well as possible. The student should  read the relevant chapters prior to the start of class. The student should also familiarize herself  with Solver, Goal Seek, Data Tables, and inserting Charts.

经教育部批准(中外合作办学项目批准书编号MOE11US1A20121203N教育部中外合作办学监管工作信息网项目信息,2012年起中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“金融管理硕士”(Tulane-GSCASS Master of Finance,简称MFIN)项目,每期招生60人,学员在职学习,学制为18个月。


下一篇:能源管理硕士|Greg Thurnher:【20级社科院与杜兰大学MME】Energy Trading: Wholesale Electric Markets


